In the year 2043, a renowned inventor unveils his master creation -- five scientifically-spawned baby dragons. He leads them to a home, schools them in survival skills and hints at the magic that surrounds them. But can any creator retain total control over his creation? DRAGON VALLEY is an epic tale covering 1,000 years in the evolution of the dragons and their magical valley. For more about DRAGON VALLEY visit Luke's website 205 pages
trade paperback ISBN 978-0984991907 author: Luke Herzog |
what other authors say about DRAGON VALLEY:"Dragon Valley is chock-full of adventure, fantasy, with a bit of epic battle thrown in. I work with young writers and see nuggets of literary gold all the time. But this kid, Luke Herzog, has unearthed a gold mine here. The writing here is a sparkling achievement." -- Newbery Award winner Kwame Alexander, author of Crossroads “The image in Christopher Paolini’s rear-view mirror is a fast approaching superstar to the genre of fantasy writing. Luke Herzog’s debut novel Dragon Valley flies at breakneck pace as a new clutch of dragons struggle in their (timeless) quest of good versus evil. Sprinkled with symbolism, readers will love taking flight with this fresh cast of characters.” -- Mike Shoulders, author of Say Daddy! "It is rare to find such an imaginative, well written story from a first time author! When Albert Einstein said, ‘Never stop thinking like a child,’ this is what he meant!! Delightful, creative storytelling! I hope his second book isn't far behind!" -- Denise Brennan-Nelson, author of Willow "What a treat! What an imagination! An epic story of scientifically-spawned dragons fighting to survive. Writing a novel isn't easy -- for Luke Herzog to write one before entering middle school is simply amazing!" -- Eric Elfman, author of Almanac of the Gross, Disgusting & Totally Repulsive "Luke Herzog has written an epic dragon tale full of adventure and heart. An impressive story written by a clearly talented 11-year old kid!" -- Robin Mellom, author of Ditched and The Classroom “Luke Herzog is a great storyteller! Kids will love the colorful world he created in Dragon Valley. The book is quite an achievement. I look forward to more from this young author.” -- Christy Raedeke, author of Prophecy of Days series |
Luke was featured in Time for Kids!